The Brambly Hedge JIGSAW BOOK

Watch and celebrate the changing of the seasons with the mice of Brambly Hedge in this jigsaw book, containing six 12-piece puzzles!

Welcome to Brambly Hedge

Brambly Hedge is on the other side of the stream, across the field. If you can find it, and if you look very hard amongst the tangled roots and stems, you may even see a wisp of smoke from a small chimney, or through an open door, a steep flight of stairs deep within the trunk of a tree. For this is the home of the mice of Brambly Hedge.

The mice of Brambly Hedge live together in a close-knit community making best use of what each season has to offer.

News from the Hedgerow


Poppy’s Babies

It was early summer in Brambly Hedge. Outside everything seemed quiet and peaceful, but inside the mill there was chaos.