The rhubarb season is coming to an end, so what better way to use up a few remaining stalks than popping them in a jar to make some pretty, pink, rhubarb gin?!
- enough rhubarb to fill two 1 litre kilner jars, or one big one
- a 1 litre bottle of gin
- 400g caster sugar

- Wash the rhubarb and discard any leaves and bad bits of stalk. The leaves are poisonous so dispose of them carefully.
- Cut the rhubarb into small pieces, about 2-3cm in size. If you want the gin to be pink, use as much of the red stalk as possible.
- Fill the two jars almost to the top with rhubarb.
- Put 200g sugar in each jar and shake gently to disperse.
- Fill the jars to the top with gin and seal carefully.
- Shake the jars every now and then to help dissolve the sugar and leave for about four weeks to develop.
- After four weeks, strain the gin and decant in to pretty bottles.