It’s fair to say that summer really is over now.  The leaves on the trees are turning to rich shades of red and orange, and the floor is carpeted with those that have been blown from the trees in the recent high winds.  

There is something very special and comforting about autumn sunshine though.  It’s almost as though we haven’t seen the sun for months and months, but just a few days bad weather makes us yearn for those golden rays.  The sun is lower in the sky, and now that the clocks have changed, the evenings are drawing in, and an afternoon walk seems to be followed by hot chocolates and fruit cake rather than strawberries and ice cream!  Summer salads are being replaced by stews, and suet puddings and apple crumbles are taking the place of pavlovas and summer puddings.

Thoughts are turning to lighting fires again, partly for warmth, and partly for that comforting feeling of watching the flames lick the seasoned logs.  The token snuggly blanket is now being used on the sofa rather than residing on the arm where it has been patiently waiting since the spring.

The mice in Brambly Hedge are still bringing in the harvest.  Although the blackberries have all but finished now, there are still a few mushrooms to be had and the crabapples are in full swing.  There are many other nuts and berries on the bushes too to fill their baskets, and the abundance of holly berries this year have left the mice wondering whether the old wives tale is true… there a harsh winter ahead?

Thoughts are also turning to 2020 here as it will be the 40th anniversary of Brambly Hedge.  We are planning many ways to celebrate, but do get in touch if you have any ideas of your own.  We always love to hear from anyone who enjoys the books, or even those who just have fond memories of reading them years ago.  Do keep the pictures of your autumnal creations coming in, both edible and non-edible, as we love seeing them.

The Brambly Hedge Team