As we head towards the end of 2020, there is still much uncertainty about what the next few months will have in store for us.  What we do know is that the mice of Brambly Hedge are still here to try and brighten your day, and to bring a little hope for better days ahead.  They themselves are preparing for their own winter ‘lockdown’ by harvesting the last of the fruit and nuts on the trees and bushes to store for the colder months.

Mrs Apple is as busy as ever in the Brambly Hedge kitchens, creating her pies, jellies, jams and preserves. The floors of the kitchens are littered with husks and shells as the last of the cobnuts are being made in to nut butter, and the hawthorn berries are glowing in a basket in the corner ready to be made in to hawberry jelly (click here for recipe:  Rosehip syrup is cooling in the bottles, ready for Wilfred to take them to the Store Stump, and there is a crabapple pie that has just come out of the oven which is making the kitchen smell delicious!

Mushrooms are also in abundance at the moment.  Some are eaten fresh, some are dried and are hanging in long strings high up by the ceiling, some are pickled for storing, and others are made in to pate to spread on warm toast with lots of melted butter.

In the Brambly Hedge office, we have also been very busy.  Jill’s beautiful books have had a long-standing battle on the shelves to stand out against the bolder, more modern stories, so we have taken a leap of faith and brightened up the covers.  To some, it’s a bit of an acquired taste in comparison to the traditional pastel colours that we have all become accustomed to, but if we are going to introduce them to a new generation, we need them to fight their corner!  Rest assured though, the illustrations are just as soft and beautiful as they’ve always been, and the paper in the new books harks back to the 80’s versions where it actually smells and feels like a proper old book-all part of the experience!

We have some new exciting licenses in the pipeline which is really exciting, the latest being a partnership with Poetic Brands who are going to create a beautiful new range of babywear and accessories, something we have been asked for over and over again since the hugely successful Mothercare range was on sale.  This previous range was so successful that it sold out in just a few weeks so hopefully this new line will provide hope for those who missed out, and we can’t wait to update you on the new products available.

Our global presence is also expanding, and the books are now going to be available in 14 different languages.  If you’re struggling to find them in your chosen language, do get in touch and we can tell you if they are available and who the publisher is.

For now, the mice of Brambly Hedge are sending you all their best wishes in the hope that they can play their part in keeping everyone as upbeat, healthy and happy as possible.  If today is proving one challenge too many, take 5 minutes to sit down with your favourite book, and lose yourself in the maze of passages in the Old Oak Palace, or take a peek at Mrs Apple busy in her kitchen-you can’t fail to imagine the delicious aromas!

Brambly Hedge Team