Very few people think of nettles as an ingredient, but we’re going to convince you otherwise! We’re not denying that those perilous green pointy leaves will get you, but treat them in the right way and you’ll have a delicious, cheap and easy meal!
- 180gms nettles
- 140gms grated cheddar cheese
- 4 eggs
- 400ml cream
- 2 good pinches ground nutmeg
- Shortcrust pastry
A 9″ flan tin
- Roll out pastry and line the pastry tin, and leave to rest for half an hour in the fridge.
- Cover pastry with baking parchment and fill with baking beans, bake at 180 degrees for 20 – 30 minutes. Turn oven down to 160 degrees.
- Gather nettles, a thick pair of washing up gloves provide good protection. Pick the bud and first set of 2 leaves.
- Wash in plenty of cold water to remove any debris. Plunge into a pot of boiling water for 30 seconds, drain and refresh in a bowl of cold water. The nettles can now be handled without gloves.
- Drain and squeeze any remaining water, then loosen back into the individual buds.
- Lightly whisk eggs and cream, season with salt, pepper and nutmeg.
- Sprinkle cooked pastry case with half of the nettles and cover with two thirds of the cheese. Then add the cream mixture and the remaining nettles and cheese.
- Bake for 40 – 45 mins, or until top has risen and is golden in colour.
Please do not use any foraged ingredients unless you are absolutely sure you have the correct plant.