The Apples live at Crabapple Cottage. Mrs Apple’s first name is Flora, Flo for short. She is a wonderful cook, and knows exactly how to use all the different plants that grow in and around the hedge. She makes jams and jellies, pickles and preserves, using recipes that have been handed down to her by her own mother. She has the diaries of her mother, her grandmother and her great-grandmother and she herself keeps a journal in which she records the day’s events and season’s

Mr. Apple, whose first name is Pip, is the warden of the Store Stump. He is a solid, reliable mouse: whether he is faced by a natural disaster, a missing small mouse or low stocks in the Store Stump, he can always be relied upon to come up with a sound, practical solution. He is very proud of his daughter Daisy, though he feels uncomfortable sometimes when he has to dress up for formal occasions at Old Oak Palace. His favourite spot is the Store Stump where, in peace and quiet, he ensures that there is always something good to eat on the shelves.