We’re always looking for creative ways to use simple ingredients, and here’s a really simple recipe that’s a little bit different but utterly divine!
- 100 gms gorse flowers
- 500ml double cream
- 200 mls whole milk
- 30 gms light soft brown sugar
- 9 egg yolks
Demerara sugar

- Remove the flowers from any stalks, shake in a colander to discard any insects, then place in a pan and pour over milk and cream. Heat gently to simmering point, simmer for a couple of minutes then allow to steep – this gives time for the milk and cream to take the coconut flavour and aroma from the flowers.
- Whisk the egg yolks and sugar in a bowl until light and fluffy.
- Once milk and cream is cool, pour through a strainer on to the egg mix, rinse the pan to remove any remaining flowers, then add the mixture back to the pan.
- Heat oven to 160 degrees, and prepare a deep roasting tin big enough for the entrée dishes or ramekins
- Return the mixture to a gentle heat, stirring continuously to stop it catching, or cooking to quickly and curdling.
- When the foam on the surface of the custard has disappeared, pour into entrée dishes or ramekins.
- Surround the dishes with enough boiling water to reach halfway up the sides.
- Bake for 20 minutes, until the custard has a slight wobble and a thick skin. Remove from hot water and leave to cool, store in a fridge until needed.Preferably make a day before required, to allow the custard to set. Before serving, sprinkle with demerara sugar and using a blowtorch melt the sugar to caramelise it and form a crisp crust on the cream. Alternatively use a grill, and place the ramakins in a tray surrounded with ice cubes.Leave for a moment before serving.
Warning: Always be careful when handling gorse, it can be very prickly! The flowers and buds should not be eaten too often or in large quantities as they contain small amounts of toxic alkaloids. The peas and pods are toxic and should not be eaten.