It’s Spring here in the northern hemisphere, and that means it’s time to clear out the old and bring in the new. Speaking of which, you may have noticed that we have a sparkly new website! We hope you enjoy the new features and links to our vibrant Brambly Hedge community.

One of the new features to explore is our recipe area, which is very much in its infancy, but this section will grow with time. It will feature seasonal recipes for food and drinks from Jill’s extensive archive, as well as new favourites from the current Brambly Hedge team. This month the vivid green Wild Garlic is starting to sprout, so we have been out in the woods gathering a crop for kitchen, we can’t resist that heady Wild Garlic aroma! It really is one of best ingredients to use for your Spring celebrations, and truly seasonal, you rarely see this Spring staple in the shops.

It’s fair to say that we have had a very white Winter at Brambly Hedge HQ…. the drifting snow has meant the mice have had a couple of traditional Brambly Hedge Snow Ball festivals, and we fear that Basil’s wine cellar may be looking a bit sparse! Let’s hope he will have a bumper harvest in the late Summer to refill those bottles!

As the evening light increases it’s great to get out and explore the hedgerows and woodlands, looking for the first Primroses, Daffodils, and Bluebells. Make sure that you share your adventures with us on Twitter @bramblyhedge_ as well as on Facebook and Instagram at Brambly Hedge Official. If you are looking for ideas for how to get out and about, head over to the Wildlife Watch website for some inspiration.

If you have any suggestions or ideas for the website, please do get in touch with us at, we would love to hear your thoughts.

More news on Brambly Hedge soon, but for the moment, have a wonderful Spring!

Brambly Hedge Team